Power Animals and Plants

Power Animals and Plants

By Norman W. Wilson, Ph.D

The shaman’s goal is to connect human consciousness to the natural and spiritual world. To do this, he or she uses animal and plant totems. Briefly, a totem is a symbol representing a spiritual aspect of a plant or animal and has importance to an individual or group. The shaman connects to the spirit of the animal or plant through a subliminal trance.


One acquires a spirit animal or plant through a variety of methods. Often, the spirit animal or plant will come to a person while he or she is on a vision quest. Its purpose and function are to help, or guide the human being. During journeying, a shaman may have his or her spirit helper along.


Most human beings can have a spirit animal or plant. There are various ways of acquiring one. Foremost, and before selection actually begins, you should have some idea as to why you want one, what it is you expect of your helper(s). Yes, you may have more than one power animal and or plant or any combination thereof.


Sit quietly and still in an outdoor area. Observe what birds, insects, and plants are around you. Pay close attention to their characteristics. Zero in on any that fascinate you. If your focus is a plant, examine its leaves, stem, and flower if it has one. Smell the plant. If you have a bird, squirrel, rabbit, chipmunk, or deer that comes into your zone, do not offer food. You may do that once a selection has been made if you are not in violation of the laws governing your area. The objective is not to make them a pet. If the plant or animal continues to hold a fascination (a strong interest) ask yourself which of its qualities or characteristics hold the most interest for you. Once you have noted that information, decide if you have the same qualities. Does it reflect qualities you would like to have? If so, then you have most likely selected your power animal or plant.


Can an animal select you?

Absolutely. You will know that by a recurring experience with that animal or plant. We are talking about synchronicity. Among Native Americans and some of the indigenous tribes of the Amazon, it is most significant if an animal spirit chooses you. It is very powerful and most likely will be a life-long spirit guide.


There are three types of spirit guides. The first, mentioned above, is the livelong spirit guide. This tutelary will work with you throughout your earth-life. Journey spirit guide is the second type. This one may stay a short time or may remain with you for over a year. It depends on how long it takes you to follow the way given to you by the guide. Time signifies the difference between this second type of spirit guide and the third. The third is the message guide. This one brings you an important and often life-altering message. At some point, if you tune into the magic of spirit animals and plants, you will experience all three types.


Norman W Wilson, PhD